stern hill gregory
Fraud and Exaggerated Claims
We also have a wide range of experience in applying investigative accounting techniques to fraudulent and grossly exaggerated claims. Our continuous work in this area over the last decade and a half has made us proficient in dealing with illogical and improbable claim stories.

Warning flags that special / additional claim analysis may be appropriate include:

  • resistance to providing access to records;
  • long delays in providing requested records;
  • evasive or unclear responses about what records are maintained and exist;
  • complete purchase invoices of inventory stock are claimed, suggesting no items had been sold;
  • imbalance of sales volume to recent purchases.

We have had experience with claims from arson fires, staged burglaries, staged robberies, and deliberate water damage exposure. Our investigation of these kinds of fraud often include investigative techniques to develop, analyze, confirm, and document:

  • financial motives;
  • asset movement in and out of the business;
  • and suspect accounting and transaction documents.


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